The history of all Danish hospital
pharmacies through 250 years.
The graphic wonders
of prescription envelopes.

Books about Danish pharmacy & medicine history
Welcome to Loldrup Publishers


For more than 30 years I have been engaged
in Danish pharmacy history. I have written and published the history of more than 70 private pharmacies, all the Danish hospital pharmacies, the profession of pharmacy in Denmark as well as the graphic wonders of Danish prescription envelopes.
Recently I have been reconstructing the history
of the original Danish medical firms.

The books are in Danish and contain many
old and rare illustrations.

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Hans-Otto Loldrup
Julius Thomsens Gade 18
1632 Copenhagen V
+45 35 35 84 12
Mail: - or click here


The development of the phar-macist profession in Denmark.
Anatomical theatres
in Copenhagen and Europe.